July 2021
We know hearts and minds change when they see the humanity of the baby inside of them. YOU help accomplish this goal through your support and we are thankful YOU are saving lives!
“Nicole” could not see a way through her circumstances. Her boyfriend wanted her to have an abortion because they were not financially stable to raise a child, she had plans for college, and the family stated they would support any decision she made.
Nicole stated she was a strong Christian and knew what God said about abortion, but college, career, and her boyfriend were her driving forces. We encouraged her to seek God through prayer and the word, as well as support from the church.
Nicole received an ultrasound from Echoz that same day. She was very unsure when she entered the ultrasound room. When she saw her 8-week-old baby wiggling around on the screen she began to cry.
We are delighted Nicole chose life for her baby!
Thank YOU for allowing us to love as Jesus would love! Our greatest desire is for our patients to see Jesus in all we do. Through your support and the work of Echoz, we are all a part of each story!
Safe in His Arms,
~Autumn Robertson, CEO